Entrepreneur Camp & Workshops at Martha’s Vineyard & Other Cities

Date: August 2024

Location: Martha’s Vineyard

RSVP/Registration: TBA

The Global Black Economic Forum hosts an entrepreneur camp and workshops that includes a young entrepreneurs camp; a dynamic and innovative series designed to bridge the opportunity gap for Black and Brown students by equipping them with essential financial literacy, entrepreneurship skills, and business acumen. Over four days, middle and high school students will be immersed in a curriculum crafted to illuminate the path toward financial freedom and entrepreneurial success. From understanding the basics of personal finance and the steps to starting their own businesses to navigating the complexities of college funding and the power of personal branding in the digital age, this camp promises to lay the groundwork for future financial freedom and independence. The Young Entrepreneurs Camp aims to counteract financial and economic opportunity gaps in order for the next generation to thrive in an increasingly competitive world.

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Date: September 2024 

Location: New York City

RSVP/Registration: TBA

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Date: August 2024

Location: Martha’s Vineyard

RSVP/Registration: TBA

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